Sunday, June 21, 2009

2nd Journal Entry

1. It was ok, hard to talk with new classmates or batchmates but it was also fun i have some friends (if Im a friend to them also).

2. They were not boring, they teach well and discuss everything in a clear way. They make us laugh in the class.

3. Maybe the weakness of our section is to do assignments I'm not sure with that its just a guess for me..And maybe the strength of our section if we are a group we can do anything.. That was our strength.

4. Its hard. Maybe the easiest course will be HRM or tourism because you don't have to solve many problems there like in HRM you will study on cooking and serving the guest and also in tourism you just have to study English language and how to interact with your costumers.

5. Like in sleeping now i have to sleep early to get a complete sleep and now i have to manage my time and controlling my own time... No need to ask for Ur parents approval we have our freedom now to do things we like but we need to study hard also...

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